Newsletters 2018

South West of England Aberdeen Angus Club
Newsletter Summer 2018.

First of all, I’d like to apologise to you all for the late start to the Club year. As some of you know and for those of you who don’t, my Father sadly passed away very suddenly at home back in February. I have been plunged into taking over the whole of our livestock haulage business and there have been an awful lot of ends to tie up and this has taken up any of the spare time that I have had.
However I would like to get things back on track now so I thank you all for your patience and understanding. It has been a slow steady start to the year, but we have a few plans for the Autumn, which includes our bi-annual Herd Competition and a herd walk and of course Dinner at the end of the year to announce the winners of the Herd Competition. More about that later in the newsletter.
Last year was a very successful one for the Club and for those of you that attended the 40th anniversary celebration day, I’m sure you will agree what a fantastic day it was and celebrations went well into the evening. The Club is indebted to the Luxton family for all their help and input and for allowing us to invade them for the day!
Ties and scarves are still ongoing at present as our original supplier was not able to commit to the order at the time so please bear with us.

Show Round Up
We were blessed with good entries at the three County shows and the championship honours have been spread around.  Thank you to all those exhibitors for keeping the numbers of cattle up and congratulations to Melview Farming, Angus Neish and Colin Hutchings on your championship wins.
Royal Cornwall saw the Princes Trust Parade take place in the main ring. As he is patron of the Aberdeen Angus Society we were invited to take place in the parade. We also welcomed the society stand back to the show. It was an opportunity to show off the new promotional material the Society has brought in. There was great footfall in the stand over the 3 days and lots of enquiries for cattle for sale, particularly bulls.
The Stand was merited with a silver award and it was great to have Barrie Turner and Angela Macgregor there from the Society.
We were lucky to have Irwin Rowe, Gill Quinn, Oli  Laity, Judith Denning plus myself and Keith Jempson behind the banner with Grace Denning in front, showing that the Angus society has something for everyone, no matter what the age. Sadly our thoughts of using a pantomime cow didn’t quite come off, sadly no matter how much paint we used we couldn’t manage to change her from a Holstein!!

YDP Workshops
We are lucky to have 3 workshops here in the South West. 2 have already taken place and have been really successful and enjoyed by all the participants who attended. Gayle would love the next one to be a great success too. This is taking place on the 4th August 2018 at the home of Blackgate angus by kind permission of the Laity’s down near Truro. You do not need to be experienced in cattle, come along and meet some likeminded people and learn from some great trainers. Open to all those from 7 to 25.
Please contact Gayle Bersey on 07792 777889 if you wish to attend.

Herd Competition.
Pleased to announce that the bi-annual herd competition makes a return this year.
Attached is an entry form which will need to be posted or emailed back to me please by the middle of August .
Our judge this year is none other than Miss Gayle Bersey, I’m sure she needs no introduction to you all and the Bersey family have been the backbone of the club for 40 years.
Doesn’t matter how small or large your herd is, we have something for everyone and it will be split into small, medium and large herds, with prizes for the best stock bull with calves on the ground and best heifer and best bull calf.
We hope that the competition will take place late September/early October but early return of your entry form would be greatly appreciated if possible.
The winners will be announced at a Dinner to be held later in the year, details will follow.

Are overdue now! I appreciate I have been late sending the form out and some of you have pre-empted me, thank you. I’m sure you will all agree that £20 is great value for money, free advertising on the website and at shows. A membership form is attached. The Herd competition will be open to paid up members of the Club only.
A plea again to update me with the cattle for sale-the demand for quality young bulls is still very high and I am getting a high volume of calls and the website is the first point of call for many

I can be contacted via email on <> or on 07970 793838

Secretary SWAAC

Prince Charles's Parade, Royal Cornwall Show 2018

Prince Charles's Parade, Royal Cornwall Show 2018


This notice is to inform you of the changes taking place with the General Data Protection Regulations that came into effect on the 25th may 2018.

As a Club that holds individual or business data we are legally obliged to inform you of how we store and use your data to maintain a legitimate business relationship with you.

Currently we store all information on a stand alone laptop/server and an phsical data is held in a secure place. We will only hold informaion for as long as necessary.

We hold the follwing information on our system which enables us to keep in contact with you;

Contact Numbers
Email address

Your data is used for;
Advertising Cattle for sale and membership of the South West Club on the website

We assure you that your information will not be passed on to third parties for marketing purposes. Your information is solely used by South West Aberdeen Angus Club.

Up until now, by joining the Club we have ‘assumed consent’ to use your personal data to perform the above mentioned tasks. However to comply with the new GDPR regulations we now need to ensure you are satisfied to continue in this matter. Should we not receive any information back from you we will presume that you are happy for us to retain the information we have on our database.

Click HERE to find a form to register your decision on this matter.
South West of England Aberdeen Angus Club
Chair:- Richard Ashenden.
Secretary:-  Lisa Davey.
Vice Chair:- Richrard Tully
Treasurer:- Jill Quinn.
  Aberdeen Angus Cattle Society Council Member

Oliver Edwards, Westermill Farm, Exford, Exmoor, Somerset. TA24 7NJ.
01643 831238 / 07970 594808